The event will take place on Friday November 20th from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM and is free for all participants. Any tickets purchased for the spring event have been refunded. Because of COVID-19, the showcase will be over zoom. During the event, students will be presenting posters detailing their research in different breakout rooms for 30-minute slots. A week before the event, a list of poster topics will be sent out to those who RSVP’ed and attendees must select the posters they plan to visit. To take full advantage of the showcase, participants must have version 5.3.0 or higher of zoom so that they can move themselves between breakout rooms/student posters.
To ensure we don’t have any zoom bombers during the event we ask that you please RSVP
Industry: Industry RSVP Google Form
Students: Students RSVP Google Form